Weddings and ceremonies

Weddings and Civil Partnerships

Without the need for a separate civil ceremony.

Today more and more couples want to make both a civil and spiritual commitment to each other on their wedding day. This includes couples of the same gender, those who have been married before, couples who come from two different faith traditions, or who do not belong to a religious institution.

The Unitarian approach to marriage and religious beliefs may be able to help those who want more than a civil ceremony. We believe that there are many sources of truth, and that no-one has the right to impose their beliefs on another. We respect other faith traditions and gain enrichment from their literature and wisdom. We know that many people do not belong to any particular faith, but are following their own spiritual path.

We feel that it is important that there should be a place where couples can celebrate their union within their local community. Our chapel is steeped in local history, as it is one of the oldest in the area. This adds to the value of the occasion.

A marriage ceremony is a very personal thing, and should reflect and express what is significant and important to the couple. The couple can gain a lot by planning the ceremony with the minister. There is very little about a wedding ceremony that is required by law, so it's a wonderful opportunity to be creative with words and music. It can be a very individual occasion as well as including time-honoured traditions.

Please get in touch via the website if you wish to consider a wedding or if you want more information.

Otherwise you are welcome to attend any of our services.

Karl and Mark's Wedding / Civil Partnership at UMB, 13.7.2013, with Frenchay Congregation 


A Unitarian funeral is always dignified and fitting. We work hard to create a service that reflects and celebrates the life of the person. When planning such services, we will not impose any set liturgy and will make certain that you are happy with the form that the service will take.

Baptisms and Child Naming

A meaningful welcome to any new additions to your family!

Photos kindly provided by Vicky from her wedding at Frenchay Chapel in 2017